Susquehanna Broadband
Website Design and Development, Logo Design
Susquehanna Broadband was a brand new start up in the WISP space. (That’s wireless ISP for all you home gamers out there) (That’s Wireless Internet Service Provider for everyone else). Susquehanna Broadband was in search of a look to build their brand.
Logo designs don’t have to be complicated. In fact, some of the most iconic brands out there have logos which are simple and refined. In the case of Susquehanna Broadband, we were really hoping to showcase a couple things:
- The Susquehanna River. It is, after all, what makes the Susquehanna Valley
- The concept of Wireless.
One thing we definitely didn’t want to do was the, almost stereotypical, tower and radio waves concept seen in the branding of numerous WISPs out there. While it’s not a terrible idea, this concept has been over used in this space, and we wanted Susquehanna Broadband to be set apart and unique.
We were quite pleased with the result… and so were the owners.
In the process of defining a brand image, we also created a complimentary website to match the companies new styling. Completed in 2019, Susquehanna Broadband’s new site put this new company in a position to hit the ground running.