The Carwash At Faxon

Website Design, Print Design, Email Marketing

Being a brand new business in Williamsport, The Carwash at Faxon needed to maximize it’s exposure to the public.  Numerous social marketing techniques were applied along with various design materials in both print and web.


The website for the car wash needed to include a fully functional storefront to sell giftcards and wash club memberships.  It, of course, needed to be mobile friendly as well.

Email Marketing

Built into the website is a method to collect email addresses for marketing purposes.  Built on the power of of Amazon SES, Xtego’s mass mailing system provides fast, reliable email sending service that scales to thousands of subscribes for costs well below Constant contact, Send Grid, and Mail Chimp.

Print Marketing

It was necessary to create flyers and brochures that carried a consistent color scheme to the website and email marketing.  These print materials would be used to create awareness of the product line and grand opening celebration.